Is Your Caravan Showing Signs Of Needing Resealing?

Have you found rot or water damage? Moisture on your sills or ledges? Dark stains in your corners, around your windows or hatches?

It Is More Than Likely That Your Caravan Sealant Is No Longer Effective.

If you are showing any of the signs above, it is very likely that there is more damage than what you can see without further investigation, and that if you leave it for too long your caravan will continue to deteriorate.

How Can We Help You?

To reseal you caravan and prevent damage, or further damage, we firstly remove all of your windows, the vertical corner moulds, the roof surface sealant, body top or pop top the caravan door and all fittings and access door, etc.

We then clean each of these items, remove any old sealant and re-install them with new sealant, re-painting if need be.

It is quite a process but it does so much toward the longevity and full function of your caravan.

Book In Today – Preventions Is Better Than Trying To Fix Long Term Body Damage.